Fundamentals of Liberals

Conservative Talking Points views liberals as spoiled children at best and plotters of Marxism at worse.  Most other times they are just clueless, lazy, or immoral which leads them to enable government by the use of force to implement the following:


·         Abortion to be/remain unlimited and taxpayer supported

·         Acceptance of promiscuity through sex "education"

·         Affirmative action enhanced and enforced

·        Constitution viewed as a "living Constitution" reinterpreted by liberals rather than its true meaning

·         Death Penalty completely abolished

·         Disarmament and reduction of our nation's defenses

·         Environmentalism pushed down to every level

·         Globalism observed and implemented

·         Government-controlled public education

·         Income redistribution through progressive taxation

·         Labor unions expanded

·         No limits on obscenity or pornography due to First Amendment rights

·         Opposition to basic private property rights

·         Political correctness as a national standard

·         Prayer outlawed in classrooms, school events and any government gathering

·         Re-enforcement of the Fairness Doctrine

·         Same-sex marriage fully legalized nationally

·         Strict gun control

·         Universal Health Care resulting in Government-rationed medical care

·         Women in military combat